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Saturday, September 28, 2013

How To Make A Hot Toddy for Colds

Last week I came back from the greatest vacation to China with a ridiculous cold. I had a stuffy/runny nose. I had a terrible cough. I sneezed in groups of 50 and I convinced everyone in my office that Sars was back with  a vengeance . So true to my natural remedy roots I went grocery shopping to treat my cold. I skipped the cough medicines, zinc and got all my medicine in the fruit and vegetable aisle. Now I am certain, that my mission resulted in some casualties, as I was definitely contagious while at the grocery store and I'm pretty sure more than a few fruits were soaks in Krystal juice by my trips end and for that I extend the sincerest "My bad." and a should shrug. Now what did I get? you may be asking. I got ingredients for hot toddies, an old school remedy for cold relief. If.. you never heard of it... ask your Granny or local bartender.

When I was young and sick a close friend of the family made me a hot toddy, which at the time was very illegal but put me to sleep and made me feel great in the morning. So I thought I would share how to make a hot toddy for your colds and why they have some great properties.

Hot To Make A Hot Toddy

1. Hot Green Tea/(Ginger tea is also acceptable)
2. 1 Lemon
3. Honey
4. A shot of rum or whiskey ( I prefer Jamaican Rum)

Boil a cup of Green tea and put it in a cup. Green tea has an ingredient that that is exclusive to Green team called tea-polyphano. Tea Polyphano absords oils and works as a detoxifier for the body. While the tea is still warm squeeze half of a lemon directly into the cup. For aesthetics many people put slices of the lemon into the hot toddy as well. Lemon is a natural histamine balancer. Histamine is the chemical that leads to stuffy nose and watery eyes. Add a shot of rum. Rum is a depressant that relieves anxiety and can assist in lulling you to sleep. Add honey until the taste is to your satisfaction. Honey will soothe your throat and also has anti-bacterial properties. Lastly, drink this before you go to sleep and it will make sure your immune system is working overtime while you are sick.

Photo credit: jeanphony / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND